Any company that brings plastic packaging to the consumer market is subject to extended producer responsibility. The organization must use EPR to treat plastic packaging responsibly to the end of its useful life. Producers, importers, brand owners PIBO, and plastic waste processors are granted EPR Authorizations by the Central Pollution Control Board CPCB for recycling and other uses (such as waste to energy, waste to oil, and industrial composting), as detailed in the Plastic Waste Amendment Rules 2022 by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Climate Change MoEF&CC.
All organizations producing pre- and post-consumer plastic packaging waste must comply with EPR Authorization in order to promote the reuse, recycling, and end-of-life disposal of recycled plastic. Registering with the CPCB and SPCB is crucial. A CPCB registration is required for PIBOs that operate in more than two states or UTs. Before production can begin, an EPR Registration is needed for plastic waste management. As per the latest regulations specified in the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2022, it is mandatory for a PIBO to fulfill all criteria and submit Form I along with an Action Plan that satisfies the standards of the Environmental Protection Act, 1986.