EPR Certification
EPR certificate is a mandatory compliance certificate essential for producers, importers, and brand owners PIBOs of electrical and electronic waste, plastic waste, battery waste, and tire waste to manage the disposal of their waste products. It ensures that manufacturers and importers take responsibility for their products after the end of their used lifecycle, which includes recycling and safe disposal, in order to minimize environmental impact.
EPR Registration for E-Waste
EPR: Extended Producer Responsibility Certification for E-Waste refers to the registration of producers, importers, and brand owners of electronic waste issued by the Central Pollution Control Board, CPCB. We at Agile Regulatory, with a team of experienced professionals, will offer you end-to-end support and deliver the certificate within the given timeframe.
EPR Plastic Waste Management
The EPR plastic waste registration certificate refers to the Extended Producer Responsibility registration of producers, importers, and brand owners of CPCB Plastic Waste packaging items issued by the Central Pollution Control Board. We at Agile Regulatory, with a team of vastly experienced environmental professionals, will offer you end-to-end guidance and deliver the certificate within the given timeframe.
EPR Registration for Battery Waste
EPR Registration for Battery Waste refers to the registration of Producer, Import, and Brand Owners of Batteries issued by the Central Pollution Control Board. At Agile Regulatory being a team of expert environmental professionals, we offer end-to-end support to PIBOs to get EPR Certification along with post-compliances.
EPR Registration for Waste Tyres
CPCB issues EPR Registration Certificates to the importer, producer, and brand owners of Waste Tyres. Connect with the expert professionals of Agile Regulatory to CPCB EPR Tyre Waste Registration Process in detail.
EPR Registration
EPR Registration refers to Extended Producer Responsibility Registration is required for Producer, importer Brand Owners of E-Waste, Plastic Packaging, Battery Waste, Waste Tyres, etc. Central Pollution Control Board or CPCB issues EPR certificates in India. EPR rules mandate producers to take responsibility for the end-of-life disposal of the products. We at Agile Regulatory with a team of experienced professionals will help you get CPCB EPR Registration within a given timeframe.